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00 31 85 050 81 00

Plompertstraat 40 - Rotterdam
The Netherlands 

Automated trucks are the future

Automated Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs) take over the tasks from employees, increase processing volumes and reduce the number of errors and accidents.

AGV Benelux voordelen in de bouw
AGV Benelux Global AGV L12

The future of efficient internal transport

What used to be a project for larger firms, we have now made so easy, that installation takes just 2 to 3 days. By using AGVs you free up costly time for your staff, time that can be used for other essential work for your business such as quality assurance and eliminating production stoppages and bottlenecks. AGVs are the future of efficient internal transport. 

All pallet movements can be monitored from all devices, so your customers can follow and optimize everything from workflows to flow analyses and make savings of up to 60% on simple pallet transport jobs.

Global AGV L12 is a simple stand-alone logistic solution that automatically registers where and when pallets need to be picked up, where they need to be delivered and synchronizes with other logistic processes. 

Tom Ruijsbroek
Sales engineer Packaging technology
00 31 (0)6-51 75 84 83
AGV Benelux has solutions that fully meet all your requirements
AGV Benelux geautomatiseerde trucks zijn de toekomst AGV Benelux geautomatiseerde trucks zijn de toekomst

Optimum use of your warehouse

Customer-specific internal transport solutions

Well-designed products and solutions that fully meet all the individual requirements of your warehouse and work together seamlessly.  

The perfect warehouse solutions

Each warehouse has its own needs and basic requirements for internal transport and warehouse design. And each individual business places different requirements on products and solutions. It could be anything from supplying and giving advice on the right truck, to assistance with your business processes.

Automated solutions

Rapid developments in the market demand large-scale changes in intralogistics, across all sectors. Solutions for automated intralogistics can help your business work more safely, efficiently and economically.

Extensive range of AGVs

AGV Benelux offers a wide range of AGVs that increase processing volumes and reduce the risk of errors and accidents.

Processing volume

AGV Benelux ensures that your business, by using AGVs, can increase your production volume and reduce the number of errors and accidents in your warehouse.

Effective solution

AGVs offer an effective solution for automated internal logistics that can help your business work more safely, accurately, efficiently and economically, 24 hours a day.

Short payback time

Payback time with AGV Benelux is short, giving your business an economic profit while at the same time optimizing your internal logistics from day one!

Straightforward installation

The AGV can be installed in your warehouse in just 2 to 3 days. The time it will save can be used for quality assurance and eliminating production stoppages and bottlenecks.


All pallet movements can be monitored from all devices, so you can follow and optimize everything and make savings of up to 60% on simple pallet transport jobs.


The automatic guided vehicles (AGVs) are extremely straightforward to set up. They have a user-friendly interface and are very easy to maintain.


Plompertstraat 40
3087 BD  Rotterdam
The Netherlands

00 31 85 050 81 00

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Advice from a logistic expert