00 31 85 050 81 00

Plompertstraat 40 - Rotterdam
The Netherlands 

Bila & Karter

AGV Types
AGV Benelux Global AGV L12

Bila L12

The Global AGV L12 is equipped with free forks, making the model flexible. There is no requirement for none closed frames at the pallets or load, which means that the Global AGV L12 can handle pallets that are bottom-closed.
Read more about the Global AGV L12 

AGV Benelux Global AGV L13

Bila L14

The Global AGV L14 is a simple stand-alone logistics solution that autonomously registers where and when the pallets need to be picked up and delivered and synchronizes with other logistics processes.
Read more about the Global AGV L14

AVG Benelux Karter Kompact

Karter Kompakt

The Kartner Kompakt moves pallets weighing up to 1500 kg around your plant, efficiently and reliably.

Karter Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) helps you to optimise your internal logistics operations. They have the same application as Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs) but feature much more advanced nagivation and automation systems. These robots navigate by mapping and recognising existing features in your building, so there is no need for lines or bar codes on the floor, or reflectors on the walls.
Read more about the Karter Kompakt

AVG Benelux Karter Lyft

Karter Lyft

The Kartner Lyft lifts your pallets up by 500 mm to bring them to a convenient working height.

The LIDAR laser scanners of our Karters constantly scan their environment. This enables them to find their way around your plant using natual feature navigation, avoid obstacles and stop safely if there is an object or person in their way. Karters navigate autonomously, the central control software only has to specify the start and end points of each trip, over WiFi.
Read more about the Karter Lyft

AVG Benelux Kartner Mono

Karter Mono

The Karter Mono handles a wide range of loads, such as roller cages, boxes, tanks, etc with a maximum load of 1500 kg.

ANT Autonomous Navigation Technology - natural feature navigation, based on mapping the working environment.
Position accuracy :  ± 1 cm.
Read more about the Karter Mono

Advice from a logistic expert